POWERTHON-2022 is an Initiative under the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS). It acts as a platform for competitive screening of the established TSPs and startups to showcase their technology driven solutions to address the current challenges.
The solutions can be based on any advanced emerging technologies like AI/ML, Blockchain, IoT, VR/AR etc.
The key objective of Powerthon-2022 is to create a forum for participation of Technology solutions providers, startups, educational institutions, research institutes, equipment manufacturers, state power utilities and other state and central power sector entities.
The focus would be to provide solutions on the current challenges faced across the power distribution sector and primarily invite applications from TSPs to participate in the Powerthon-2022. Herein, the TSPs can showcase their technology driven solutions to solve the complex problems.
The solutions can be based on any advanced emerging technologies like AI/ML, Blockchain, IoT, VR/AR etc.
Call for application was opened to invite Applications from Technology Solution provider (TSPs) with readily available solutions for key identified problems in the Power Distribution sector.
A Multi tier Evaluation Process was adhered to for selecting TSPs for Proof of Concept (POC)
As part of POC implementation, an assessment was done by TSPs on data availability with DISCOMs, technical feasibility of the solutions offered and investment required for the pilot run.
Consequent to the POCs completion, TSPs were evaluated on the basis of their solutions and results and shorlited TSPs were awarded opportunity of pilots accross DISCOM test beds
18 POCs are approved by the Expert Committee for Pilot stage and 17 ( 11 Startups, 6 Non-Startups ) are ongoing as of now.
Currently pilot execution is in process and scale up avenues will be pursued under the RDSS scheme hereafter.